Dispelling those transcription myths

Just what is fact and fiction when it comes to transcription.   

We love what we do – and we’re very proud of our reputation. Our clients know what to expect from us: transcription services that are timely and accurate.   

But how do we do it?!   

There are many myths when it comes to the service we provide. Some people can assume that a typist can produce a transcription from a 15 minute audio in 15 minutes… even for the most experienced typists this would be quite some feat!   

Let’s break it down for you: 

When an average English speaker is in full flow, they speak at roughly 150 words per minute. Even the fastest speaker would struggle to top 180 words per minute.   

Average typists are said to type at around 40 words per minute, and very experienced professional typists may be able to achieve up to 80 words per minute.   

If we head back to the 15 minute example and work with those numbers, you’ll see where they don’t add up. 15 minutes at 150 words per minute is 2,250 words. Even at 80 words per minute a professional typist would only be able to transcribe 1,250 words in that time.   

You don’t have to take our word for it.    

For example, the Office Business Center Association International (OBCAI)Industry Production Standards Guide states very clearly that a standard transcription time estimate is anywhere from three to eight times the length of the recording, depending on various factors.   

These factors confirm that it isn’t just the typing speed that needs to be considered when it comes to the turnaround time – this is another common myth. There’s so much more to it. There’s the quality of the recording, how many people are speaking, how fast they are speaking, being able to understand accents – all of these come into play when listening to the audio and processing what’s being said as you type. Accurately transcribing really is an art and incredible skill.  

At FSTL we know exactly what we can deliver, and within what time, and we firmly believe that our highly experienced typists are some of the best in the business.    

Sometimes our clients need their meetings transcribed quickly. We get our best people on the case, and do whatever is needed to deliver accurate transcripts quickly and efficiently. 

It’s all part of the exceptional FSTL service. 

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