Why have a transcript?

They say ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and that expression is certainly true here at FSTL! Transcription is what we do – and with over 30 years’ experience in the industry we’ve honed our skills and are experts at delivering a transcript that is of the highest quality to our clients.

Over the past 30 years we have transcribed for many different sectors and covered a large variety of topics.

In this blog we take a look at the many areas where we can provide transcription services:

Finance: We cover all aspects of the financial sector from AGMs and EGMs to quarterly reporting, analyst meetings and conference presentations.

Conferences: This is an area that has really suffered with COVID-19 restrictions. Over the past 30 years we have covered conferences all over the world, transcribing key-note speeches, Q&A sessions and panel discussions. With the recent restrictions this has become a virtual business, with an even greater need for transcripts as people seek to record their event and use the transcript to engage with a wider audience.

Legal: This is a wide ranging area that covers transcripts of Coroner’s Court proceedings, police interviews, local authority interviews for legal departments, Independent Inquiry investigations and Customer Service recorded interviews.

Regulatory: We are very experienced in providing transcripts of Fitness to Practise Hearings, HR meetings, Grievance meetings, employment tribunals and Works Council meetings.

Media: This is another wide-ranging sector that includes interviews, webinars, podcasts and press conferences.

Medical: This is a specialised sector where our years of experience really show! We transcribe roundtable meetings (live or via the web), conferences, webinars, educational videos, medical research interviews and podcasts.
And we can record all of these too…either via the web, conference call or in person.

So as you can see over 30 years we have transcribed almost anything and everything! We pride ourselves in having built up a level of expertise across all these sectors that delivers an outstanding result. When it comes to transcription the devil is in the detail and at FSTL we believe in delivering a quality product that is accurate and reflects the recording perfectly. Whatever the industry sector, our transcripts are totally bespoke, and combine mix of up-to-the minute technical know-how and well-established customer service to deliver each transcript quickly and efficiently.

If you’d like a transcript to enhance your meeting or presentation, please get in touch at alex@fionahipley.com

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