Transcription services – and why using the professionals always makes sense!

When you’ve been offering transcription services as long as Fiona Shipley has, you’ve built up a strong foundation and reputation for delivering excellence and a quality product.

But just what should you consider investing in a transcription service for?!

The simple answer is pretty much everything!

Fiona Shipley has a broad range of clients across most industry sectors and provides transcription services for almost any purpose. So from AGMs to webinars and everything in between, we’re here to provide quality transcripts that deliver an accurate record of every event. Investing in a professional service means you end up with a quality document that’s not just accurate but is produced in a timely manner too. 

Here’s a quick overview of the kind of transcription services we offer here at Fiona Shipley:


For anything from just an internal meeting to more formal roundtables, having a record of the event to refer back to is something many of our clients simply can’t do without. It opens up the meeting to those that were unable to attend, means attendees don’t need to take any notes and can fully concentrate on the content and creates much greater longevity for the material as it can be used in many different ways in the future.

Annual General Meetings

Both public companies and private companies that are traded are legally required to hold an annual formal meeting – an AGM. Keeping a record of your AGM means there’s a lasting record of the discussion points within an AGM to refer to in the future and can prove invaluable for preparing for the next AGM. 


For more than 30 years we have covered conferences around the globe, transcribing everything from Q&A sessions to keynote speeches and panel discussions. The events of the last year has seen many of these events become virtual, and with this we’ve seen an even greater demand for transcripts as businesses aim to reach an even wider audience.

NHS Inquiries

When an incident occurs with the care provided by any NHS funded service, an NHS Inquiry is undertaken. Any systemic weaknesses are highlighted, good practices are exposed and they support the NHS in focusing on safety and quality. Whether it be individual interviews, round-table discussions, telephone interviews or even via skype, Fiona Shipley can provide transcription services for them all – recorded directly by us or via sound files uploaded securely to our website. 


From Fitness to Practise Hearings, Grievance meetings, HR meetings, employment tribunals and Works Council meetings, Fiona Shipley has vast amounts of experience in providing transcripts for regulatory requirements.


We cover all aspects of the financial sector from AGMs and EGMs to quarterly reporting, analyst meetings and conference presentations.


The legal sector is a wide ranging area that Fiona Shipley regularly provides transcripts for. We have been called upon to transcribe police interviews, Coroner’s Court proceedings, Independent Inquiry investigations, local authority interviews for legal departments and Customer Service recorded interviews.


We have an excellent reputation for our vast experience in this specialist sector! We can record and transcribe roundtable meetings, conferences, webinars, educational videos, medical research interviews and podcasts – either via the web, conference call or in person.


Whether it’s interviews, webinars, podcasts or press conferences, Fiona Shipley has covered them all for the media sector!

So all we can say is that for all your transcription needs, Fiona Shipley is the number one choice! To find out how we can provide transcription services for your business please call us on 01737 852 225 or email


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