33 is the magic number for Fiona Shipley!

2023 sees our transcription service celebrate its 33rd anniversary, which is quite something. So we thought we’d delve into some interesting facts about the number 33 as we celebrate this milestone…

Astronomical 33

The number is significant in astronomy as it is the lunar cycle: the number of years it takes for the Lunar phase to return to its original position in relation to the Solar calendar. This is needed because the lunar month isn’t quite 30 days (29.53) so each year that passes the lunar month trails 10.88 days behind the solar year, taking 33 years to catch up.


It’s the number of letters in the Russian modern alphabet.

33 in Maths and science

In maths, 33 is a palindrome in both decimal and binary. It is also the smallest whole that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.

In Chemistry, it is the atomic number of arsenic, and when it comes to Biology, it’s the number of vertebrae a normal human spine has when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually.


In numerology it is a Master Number and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 tells us that ‘all things are possible’. 33 is also the number that symbolises ‘guidance’.


Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified. This has led to the 33rd birthday being dubbed the “Jesus year”

Pope John Paul I had one of the shortest reigns in papal history – just 33 days.

In the Islamic faith, prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in dhikr rituals.

Hinduism and other Vedic religions have 33 deities.


Rolling Rock beer has the number 33 printed on all its labels!

Fiona Shipley Transcription is 33!

So much has changed since we were found in 1990 – not least the new developments and evolution of the tools available for transcription. But we truly believe that the key to successful transcription rests with the human transcribers themselves and their unrivalled skills. It’s the human transcribers who understand the nuances of what is being said, can decipher accents, question content that isn’t clear and always make sure that everything is transcribed accurately.

It’s really quite phenomenal when you look back at the impact technology has had on our business, both with the global spread of our clients and the speed at which technology has allowed us to produce transcripts. With recordings now taking place on sound-perfect digital recording equipment with sound files that can be uploaded instantly and 100% securely, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was longer than 33 years ago since our inception! 

Happy anniversary to FSTL – we raise a *virtual* glass to whatever the future holds for both ourselves and the technology we use on a daily basis. 

For all your transcription needs please do contact us on 01737 852 225 or email alex@fionashipley.com.

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