Coronavirus. Using transcription to minimise the business impact.

The govermment has announced that we are only at the very starting point of what is fully anticipated to become an epidemic. With Italy now on lockdown, many of us are wondering if we’re likely to experience the same level of disruption on our own shores. What exactly will the impact of Coronavirus on businesses & travel be, especially when the levels of infection reach their peak in the UK? And how can businesses best prepare and use transcription to minimise the business impact?

It’s time to work remotely!

Never before has it been more imperative for businesses to have plan. With restrictions on movement beginning to become every more likely, being able to carry on with a “business as usual” approach could be what keeps your business running when chaos ensues.

Inevitably there are some industries where working remotely isn’t posssible – healthcare being an obvious one. However putting in place plans so that whatever elements of a business can operate off site will ensure business continuity as much as possible. With technology enabling conference calls we’ve already seen the working landscape change significantly over the last 20 years, the reality of which helps make “business as usual” possible in circumstances such as these.

Some points to consider:

AGMs and other large gatherings: public companies must hold an AGM within six months of the end of the relevant financial year. If your required date for an AGM falls within this timescale over the next few months then contingency plans and looking into hybrid AGMS (where some attendees are able to attend electronically without the need to be physically present) is a wise move. 

If you’re already able to harness the use of technology such as video conferencing to facilitate remote meetings then make sure everyone’s ready to use it. And it seems the tidal wave of the use of remote meetings is already well underway: apparently  22 times as many people are using Cisco’s Webex videoconferencing service in China since the coronavirus appeared. Many of the leading providers such as Google and Microsoft are currently offering free remote working services, in some cases for a trial period which will cover the current challenging time, so time is of the essence to ensure your business is ready for what could come its way.

It’s time to get staff trained up and make sure they have all the equipment they need to be able to change their working location whenever they need to. 

The government has issued advice for businesses and employers on how to deal with the coronavirus which is available here

How can FSTL help?

Transcription can help minimise the business impact of the coronovirus. If you’re not currrently set up with video conferencing facilities, then transcription can provide the support you need.

You can run remote meetings through Skype or Microsoft teams. If you find that some staff members aren’t able to attend, then this is exactly where FSTL can help. We can enhance the value of your skype calls, conference calls & meeting through transcription so that everyone has a record of what took place at the meeting. Likewise if you decide to go ahead with running a conference and some attendees aren’t able to travel, we’re able to transcribe the speeches from a recording to be shared with everyone who needs it.

We can even dial into meetings ourselves & produce a record that can be sent globally for people who can’t attend. Let us know how we can help!

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