Thinking of setting up a podcast? Factor in transcription!

You can’t move these days for podcasts… maybe that’s a little bit of an exaggeration but the fact is that podcasts have increased in popularity over recent years. With over 4 million podcasts now registered worldwide it’s safe to say that whatever topic you’re interested in, no matter how off the wall or whacky, there’s bound to be a podcast about it somewhere!

We’ve talked about podcasts before but even since then, the number of podcasts out there in the world has exploded… it’s amazing to see just how quickly the world of podcasting has developed.

The joy of a podcast…

The fact that you don’t need a huge amount of equipment to set one up is a huge bonus. For example, I listened to Kenton Cool’s latest episode of his “Cool Conversations” podcast recently where he talked to Richard Walker, CEO of Iceland Foods, about their Everest summit. This particular episode was recorded on his phone amidst the hustle and bustle of Doha airport with sandwiches being brought to the table and plane announcements in the background! Podcasts are one of the most accessible ways to broadcast your creative expression… although perhaps not necessarily from a noisy airport!

That’s all very well but why on earth should you transcribe them?

There are a number of very practical reasons for transcribing a podcast:|

Be more discoverable: This concept is similar to when you think about discovering new music – with so much choice out there, how can you be sure your podcast can be found? One simple way to tackle this challenge is to provide transcripts as they can help search engines find your content more easily. Most organisations will find they achieve increased traffic to their website when any recorded content is transcribed. This is a clear example of the SEO benefits of transcription.

Benefit from repurposed content: let’s face it, every organisation wants to make sure they get maximum value out of any activity they invest in – whatever form it takes. They need to be sure that the spend has been worthwhile and it’s achieved what it set out to. And if there’s any way to get even more bang for your buck then that’s even more appealing… so when you’ve taken the time to produce a podcast, transcribing it means you then have quality content you can use for snippets on social media, email marketing or any other marketing campaigns. It’s a win-win.

Fiona Shipley has your podcast transcription needs covered!

Yes! We firmly believe that calling in the professionals is the only way to go if you’re looking for a quality product.

Our team of highly experienced transcribers are skilled in handling recordings in different formats, taken from meetings of all sizes and structures (including podcasts!), and understanding the particular terminology of your business or sector. Our editors ensure the finished product is accurate and its meaning clear; the final copy is a precise record of your meeting, interview or conference.

For a professional transcription service that delivers an accurate, quality record of your meeting or event, please contact us 01737 852 225 or email

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